Mould found in bathrooms, kitchens or bedrooms is unsightly, undesirable and potentially dangerous.

But we can resist it!

Is mould dangerous to health?

Mould grows when there is a water or moisture present in an environment with limited or no sunlight or clean, fresh air. Walls that are exposed to changing temperatures and moisture in an indoor environment provide an ideal place for mould growth to occur.  

Mould produces airborne spores and may cause health problems if inhaled by people who are sensitive or allergic to them. Possible symptoms may include a running or blocked nose, irritation of the eyes and skin, and sometimes sneezing and coughing. 

How does BLOOM prevent mould?

BLOOM paint contains an antibacterial and antifungal agent that is intrinsic throughout the structure of the paint and will kill any know bacterial on contact. So although this obviously helps to prevent mould... Why does it not stop it growing altogether?

Over a period of time if a room is subject to varying temperatures, condensation, steam and damp conditions, a microscopic thin-film of dust, dirt, grease, soap scum, and other substances will build-up on the upper surface of the paint.

Any mould that develops and becomes established is growing on the thin-film layer and not actually touching the surface of the paint.

Just wipe away

With BLOOM paint, unwanted mould can be easily removed with some basic housekeeping. No cleaning products, detergents or chemicals are required.

Simply by using a damp cloth and wiping the affected area to remove the mould and remove the layer of thin-film substances will allow the surface of the paint to 'breathe' again and prevent the return of any mould. And because the antibacterial property is part of the paints structure, you can wipe surface without compromising its ability to kill bacteria and prevent mould.