Unlike conventional paints, out products do not pollute watercourses as they are designed to safely break down into their constituent parts when in water.


Better for the environment than conventional paints

As well as being the safest paint, BLOOM is harmless to the environment. This is in direct contrast to most standard water-based paints and emulsions on the market, many of which are made by well-known manufacturers.

Generally, the cheaper the paint, the more likely it is to contain harmful chemicals.  Standard water-based emulsions, even many so-called ‘eco-paints’ contain PGEs (propylene glycol and glycol ethers) which are not only a threat to children – causing asthma, rashes and irritations – they also kill aquatic life.

Many of these toxic chemicals remain in the water system, even after treatment in a sewage plant, and are discharged back into rivers, lakes and streams, potentially causing health problems that we are only now starting to really understand.

Cleaning brushes

If you want to clean your paintbrushes after using BLOOM paint, you simply run them under the tap and wash the paint out. It’s safe to allow the paint to run down the plughole and into the sewerage system.

Cleaning brushes after using conventional paints is a lot more complicated. The correct method is to use one container of water to clean the brushes and another to rinse them. All the waste water should then be put in a larger container and allowed to settle before the water can be poured off the sediment – always ensuring that the dirty water is kept well away from waterways or drains.

Kind to clothes and nature, but tough-wearing and durable

Another benefit of using BLOOM paints is that it doesn’t ruin clothes if you accidentally get paint on them. If you rinse them in warm water straight after there should be no lasting damage whatsoever.

But remember to do this while the paint is wet because once dry the paint will hold fast.